Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Coitus_Women_year3ttests
Title:Year 3
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 3 Women Differ From Year 1 Women, Coitus Sample
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 1 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | junior == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:08:53, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. Descriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 1                                                                                                                                                      & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        junior == 1 ), by(junior)

Model Coitus_Women_year3ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =       3970
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |  -.0185344
                 suburb |  -.0470372
                  White |   .0680694
          partner_white |   .0755628
            no_religion |   .0036537
        mom_SomeCollege |  -.0493576
            mom_College |   .0531497
           mom_Graduate |   .0147423
                  Black |  -.0194503
               Hispanic |  -.0205273
                  Asian |  -.0128794
              OtherRace |  -.0152123
             mixed_race |   .0190453
          partner_black |  -.0239927
       partner_hispanic |  -.0225034
          partner_asian |  -.0192139
     partner_mixed_race |  -.0005084
partner_race_other_none |  -.0093443
              immigrant |  -.0250341
             protestant |  -.0366651
               catholic |   .0494833
                 jewish |   .0224258
         other_religion |  -.0388977
                  rural |   .0050413
             small_town |   .0766944
            medium_city |  -.0049336
             large_city |   -.029765
  coitus_without_condom |  -.0582876
k 28
N 3970
_estimates_name Coitus_Women_year3ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ Coitus_Women_year3ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar junior
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -.018534402
suburb -.04703717
White .068069376
partner_white .075562788
no_religion .003653671
mom_SomeCollege -.049357608
mom_College .053149744
mom_Graduate .014742267
Black -.019450336
Hispanic -.020527314
Asian -.012879387
OtherRace -.015212339
mixed_race .01904528
partner_black -.023992738
partner_hispanic -.022503359
partner_asian -.01921394
partner_mixed_race -.000508429
partner_race_other_none -.009344322
immigrant -.025034079
protestant -.036665108
catholic .049483288
jewish .02242583
other_religion -.03889768
rural .00504131
small_town .076694444
medium_city -.004933585
large_city -.029764999
coitus_without_condom -.058287625
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 3970
suburb 3970
White 3970
partner_white 3970
no_religion 3970
mom_SomeCollege 3970
mom_College 3970
mom_Graduate 3970
Black 3970
Hispanic 3970
Asian 3970
OtherRace 3970
mixed_race 3970
partner_black 3970
partner_hispanic 3970
partner_asian 3970
partner_mixed_race 3970
partner_race_other_none 3970
immigrant 3970
protestant 3970
catholic 3970
jewish 3970
other_religion 3970
rural 3970
small_town 3970
medium_city 3970
large_city 3970
coitus_without_condom 3970
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .013568839
suburb .015824984
White .014476098
partner_white .015103125
no_religion .013039849
mom_SomeCollege .014200036
mom_College .015384789
mom_Graduate .013288845
Black .007008283
Hispanic .010332819
Asian .007953934
OtherRace .006734924
mixed_race .010723333
partner_black .008632892
partner_hispanic .009312348
partner_asian .006622819
partner_mixed_race .008705987
partner_race_other_none .005137534
immigrant .00853858
protestant .011639725
catholic .016118244
jewish .009488122
other_religion .011999426
rural .007782854
small_town .013979057
medium_city .013532179
large_city .010543422
coitus_without_condom .010605124
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .013463035
suburb .015726961
White .014194025
partner_white .01486439
no_religion .013063756
mom_SomeCollege .013970132
mom_College .015568
mom_Graduate .013381199
Black .006653215
Hispanic .010118341
Asian .007755227
OtherRace .00644367
mixed_race .010912802
partner_black .008302009
partner_hispanic .009034804
partner_asian .006245927
partner_mixed_race .008699061
partner_race_other_none .004891616
immigrant .008187851
protestant .011335627
catholic .016212452
jewish .009758744
other_religion .011697771
rural .007862505
small_town .014409351
medium_city .013503394
large_city .01024417
coitus_without_condom .010033033
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -1.37668824
suburb -2.9908619
White 4.79563591
partner_white 5.08347737
no_religion .279679968
mom_SomeCollege -3.53308093
mom_College 3.41403811
mom_Graduate 1.1017149
Black -2.92344934
Hispanic -2.02872316
Asian -1.66073629
OtherRace -2.36081894
mixed_race 1.74522352
partner_black -2.88999187
partner_hispanic -2.49074119
partner_asian -3.07623487
partner_mixed_race -.05844643
partner_race_other_none -1.91027289
immigrant -3.05746619
protestant -3.23450185
catholic 3.05217795
jewish 2.29802412
other_religion -3.32522151
rural .641183659
small_town 5.32254688
medium_city -.365358854
large_city -2.90555509
coitus_without_condom -5.80957175
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .084304328
suburb .001390956
White .999999189
partner_white .999999815
no_religion .610138476
mom_SomeCollege .000205373
mom_College .999679962
mom_Graduate .864707181
Black .001730883
Hispanic .021243248
Asian .048383211
OtherRace .009117315
mixed_race .959527016
partner_black .001926259
partner_hispanic .006373847
partner_asian .001048163
partner_mixed_race .476696516
partner_race_other_none .028049043
immigrant .001116084
protestant .000609276
catholic .998864063
jewish .989219792
other_religion .000441742
rural .739298317
small_town .999999949
medium_city .357421776
large_city .001833012
coitus_without_condom 3.1316e-09
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .168608655
suburb .002781913
White 1.6216e-06
partner_white 3.7059e-07
no_religion .779723048
mom_SomeCollege .000410747
mom_College .000640076
mom_Graduate .270585638
Black .003461766
Hispanic .042486496
Asian .096766422
OtherRace .018234631
mixed_race .080945969
partner_black .003852518
partner_hispanic .012747694
partner_asian .002096326
partner_mixed_race .953393032
partner_race_other_none .056098086
immigrant .002232168
protestant .001218551
catholic .002271874
jewish .021560416
other_religion .000883483
rural .521403365
small_town 1.0232e-07
medium_city .714843551
large_city .003666023
coitus_without_condom 6.2633e-09
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .915695672
suburb .998609044
White 8.1080e-07
partner_white 1.8529e-07
no_religion .389861524
mom_SomeCollege .999794627
mom_College .000320038
mom_Graduate .135292819
Black .998269117
Hispanic .978756752
Asian .951616789
OtherRace .990882685
mixed_race .040472984
partner_black .998073741
partner_hispanic .993626153
partner_asian .998951837
partner_mixed_race .523303484
partner_race_other_none .971950957
immigrant .998883916
protestant .999390724
catholic .001135937
jewish .010780208
other_religion .999558258
rural .260701683
small_town 5.1162e-08
medium_city .642578224
large_city .998166988
coitus_without_condom .999999997
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 2499
suburb 2499
White 2499
partner_white 2499
no_religion 2499
mom_SomeCollege 2499
mom_College 2499
mom_Graduate 2499
Black 2499
Hispanic 2499
Asian 2499
OtherRace 2499
mixed_race 2499
partner_black 2499
partner_hispanic 2499
partner_asian 2499
partner_mixed_race 2499
partner_race_other_none 2499
immigrant 2499
protestant 2499
catholic 2499
jewish 2499
other_religion 2499
rural 2499
small_town 2499
medium_city 2499
large_city 2499
coitus_without_condom 2499
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .206482593
suburb .337735094
White .777110844
partner_white .741096439
no_religion .198079232
mom_SomeCollege .218487395
mom_College .359743898
mom_Graduate .215286114
Black .035614246
Hispanic .098439376
Asian .054421769
OtherRace .034413766
mixed_race .133253301
partner_black .05962385
partner_hispanic .074029612
partner_asian .030412165
partner_mixed_race .075630252
partner_race_other_none .019207683
immigrant .057222889
protestant .12444978
catholic .43697479
jewish .106042417
other_religion .134453782
rural .06282513
small_town .288115246
medium_city .213285314
large_city .098039216
coitus_without_condom .082432973
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 1471
suburb 1471
White 1471
partner_white 1471
no_religion 1471
mom_SomeCollege 1471
mom_College 1471
mom_Graduate 1471
Black 1471
Hispanic 1471
Asian 1471
OtherRace 1471
mixed_race 1471
partner_black 1471
partner_hispanic 1471
partner_asian 1471
partner_mixed_race 1471
partner_race_other_none 1471
immigrant 1471
protestant 1471
catholic 1471
jewish 1471
other_religion 1471
rural 1471
small_town 1471
medium_city 1471
large_city 1471
coitus_without_condom 1471
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .225016995
suburb .384772264
White .709041468
partner_white .665533651
no_religion .194425561
mom_SomeCollege .267845003
mom_College .306594154
mom_Graduate .200543848
Black .055064582
Hispanic .118966689
Asian .067301156
OtherRace .049626105
mixed_race .114208022
partner_black .083616587
partner_hispanic .096532971
partner_asian .049626105
partner_mixed_race .076138681
partner_race_other_none .028552005
immigrant .082256968
protestant .161114888
catholic .387491502
jewish .083616587
other_religion .173351462
rural .057783821
small_town .211420802
medium_city .218218899
large_city .127804215
coitus_without_condom .140720598