Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Hooked2_Men
Description:Demographic Model
Dependent Variable:Hooked
Independent Variables:sophomore + junior + senior + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city
Subset:if female == 0
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:16:12:19, 11 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. AllOutcomes — Regressions on Assorted Outcomes

Estimates Replay

gllamm Hooked sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city  if female == 0  , i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model Hooked2_Men
number of level 1 units = 4980
number of level 2 units = 21
Condition Number = 7.0476545
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -3068.6218
         Hooked |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      sophomore |   .4641389   .0806236     5.76   0.000     .3061196    .6221582
         junior |   .6277998   .0889159     7.06   0.000     .4535279    .8020718
         senior |   .8386185   .0963454     8.70   0.000     .6497848    1.027452
mom_SomeCollege |   .1094212   .0928318     1.18   0.239    -.0725259    .2913682
    mom_College |   .0785019   .0888132     0.88   0.377    -.0955689    .2525726
   mom_Graduate |   .1723454   .0975039     1.77   0.077    -.0187587    .3634495
          Black |  -.0015711   .1374947    -0.01   0.991    -.2710557    .2679135
       Hispanic |  -.2831246   .1120837    -2.53   0.012    -.5028047   -.0634445
          Asian |  -1.066703   .1084042    -9.84   0.000    -1.279171   -.8542348
      OtherRace |  -.3561311   .1662974    -2.14   0.032     -.682068   -.0301941
     mixed_race |   .0975507   .0984272     0.99   0.322     -.095363    .2904644
      immigrant |  -.0664749   .1039704    -0.64   0.523    -.2702531    .1373034
     protestant |  -.0026403   .1024824    -0.03   0.979    -.2035021    .1982216
       catholic |   .2193347    .088324     2.48   0.013     .0462229    .3924465
         jewish |   .7080767   .1440277     4.92   0.000     .4257876    .9903658
 other_religion |  -.0516911   .1057816    -0.49   0.625    -.2590192     .155637
          rural |  -.0675201   .1435362    -0.47   0.638    -.3488458    .2138056
     small_town |   .0686807   .0863635     0.80   0.426    -.1005886      .23795
    medium_city |   .0733006   .0829749     0.88   0.377    -.0893272    .2359283
     large_city |    .089824   .1027969     0.87   0.382    -.1116542    .2913023
          _cons |   .0571292    .119222     0.48   0.632    -.1765416    .2907999
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): .085926 (.02608585)

N 4980
ic 6
k_dv 1
k_eq 2
k 22
rank 22
converged 1
ll -3068.62177209883
rc 0
_estimates_name Hooked2_Men
cmd gllamm
Apparatus_ModelName___ Hooked2_Men
predict gllapred
cn 7.047654486551324
comp 0
ind __000005
init 0
cor 1
denom __000004
expf 0
exp 0
link logit
famil binom
cip 1
mult 0
free 0
clus school __000006
tpff 1
tpi 2
prior 0
tprf 2
tplv 2
bmat 0
lev1 0
oth 1
smlog 0
mlog 0
ethr 0
k_eform 1
nolog 0
ngeqs 0
inter 0
const 0
adapt 0
noC1 0
noC 0
nats 0
vce oim
opt ml
title gllamm model
depvar Hooked
ml_method d0
user gllam_ll
chi2type LR
crittype log likelihood
technique nr
properties b V


e(b), transpose
Hooked sophomore .464138936
Hooked junior .62779984
Hooked senior .838618461
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .109421171
Hooked mom_College .078501874
Hooked mom_Graduate .172345385
Hooked Black -.001571082
Hooked Hispanic -.283124623
Hooked Asian -1.06670307
Hooked OtherRace -.356131061
Hooked mixed_race .0975507
Hooked immigrant -.066474864
Hooked protestant -.00264028
Hooked catholic .219334708
Hooked jewish .708076682
Hooked other_religion -.051691066
Hooked rural -.067520078
Hooked small_town .06868068
Hooked medium_city .073300556
Hooked large_city .089824026
Hooked _cons .057129176
scho1 _cons .293131362
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city _cons _cons
Hooked sophomore .00650016 .002818844 .002824647 -.000012969 -.000054597 -.000063934 -.000710085 -.000080005 -.000678087 -.000462855 .000260336 -.000118677 -.000015732 .000119714 .000246825 .000227605 -.000085639 .000085771 .000046687 -.000077135 -.002565657 .000556647
Hooked junior .002818844 .00790604 .002939855 -.000058165 .000030048 -.000073774 -.000587266 .000015753 -.000605474 -.000464897 .000024456 -.000205299 -.000201339 .000229402 .000159864 .000238667 .000216042 .000228283 -.000097613 -.000222826 -.002560148 .000568004
Hooked senior .002824647 .002939855 .009282446 .000111789 -.000024392 -.00010564 -.000465477 -.000360308 -.001094221 -.00052644 .000253309 -.000178723 .000045682 .000558091 .000551563 .000641094 .000164771 .000248 -.000035788 -.000131557 -.002765375 .000433589
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000012969 -.000058165 .000111789 .008617749 .004624626 .004688428 .000173791 .001504863 .000903278 .000546425 -.000416432 .000143184 -.000092847 5.3848e-06 -.000281167 -.000216615 .000426194 .000077057 .000109612 .000251253 -.004805463 -.000032854
Hooked mom_College -.000054597 .000030048 -.000024392 .004624626 .00788779 .005020502 .000816914 .001766736 .000935395 .000856349 -.000127975 -.0001176 -.000184358 .000195126 -.000687544 .000108367 .000847687 .00039747 .000322931 .000258858 -.005234381 -.000258589
Hooked mom_Graduate -.000063934 -.000073774 -.00010564 .004688428 .005020502 .009507005 .000653543 .00188147 .001103309 .001085754 -.00001937 -.000075709 .000068117 .000386291 -.001038011 .000095646 .000912354 .000620808 .000414921 .000055742 -.005437102 -.000361189
Hooked Black -.000710085 -.000587266 -.000465477 .000173791 .000816914 .000653543 .018904782 .002462095 .003009429 .002868145 -.001477106 -.000825428 -.001012772 .000089561 .000674307 -.001889385 -.00041624 .000294597 -.000230795 -.002036565 -.001174912 .000111189
Hooked Hispanic -.000080005 .000015753 -.000360308 .001504863 .001766736 .00188147 .002462095 .012562765 .002501353 .002769194 -.001885093 -.001770799 -.000315947 -.001800442 .000079519 -.000475268 .000349114 .00026793 -.000508935 -.001228856 -.002007457 .000536724
Hooked Asian -.000678087 -.000605474 -.001094221 .000903278 .000935395 .001103309 .003009429 .002501353 .011751461 .002824342 -.000210954 -.002565109 .00047201 .001234716 .001816005 -.001929538 .000861855 .000684069 .00018596 -.000175643 -.00289898 .000307071
Hooked OtherRace -.000462855 -.000464897 -.00052644 .000546425 .000856349 .001085754 .002868145 .002769194 .002824342 .027654827 -.003700506 -.001017226 .000182766 .000127691 .000170274 -.001346614 .00042018 .000157151 .000155464 -.000826781 -.001636366 .000045123
Hooked mixed_race .000260336 .000024456 .000253309 -.000416432 -.000127975 -.00001937 -.001477106 -.001885093 -.000210954 -.003700506 .009687908 .00020568 .000092715 .000465924 .000340472 .000181019 -.000214055 .00002137 5.4999e-08 .000240452 -.00090068 -.000264225
Hooked immigrant -.000118677 -.000205299 -.000178723 .000143184 -.0001176 -.000075709 -.000825428 -.001770799 -.002565109 -.001017226 .00020568 .010809845 .000196939 .000226121 -.000088495 -.000160668 .000071242 -.000020638 .000188183 -.000398182 -.000708994 .000276384
Hooked protestant -.000015732 -.000201339 .000045682 -.000092847 -.000184358 .000068117 -.001012772 -.000315947 .00047201 .000182766 .000092715 .000196939 .010502645 .004703415 .004636313 .004584187 .000333101 .000291163 .000019339 .000406978 -.004673995 .000176987
Hooked catholic .000119714 .000229402 .000558091 5.3848e-06 .000195126 .000386291 .000089561 -.001800442 .001234716 .000127691 .000465924 .000226121 .004703415 .007801125 .004777211 .004632345 .000579205 .000162786 .000016384 -.000046005 -.005583265 .000438312
Hooked jewish .000246825 .000159864 .000551563 -.000281167 -.000687544 -.001038011 .000674307 .000079519 .001816005 .000170274 .000340472 -.000088495 .004636313 .004777211 .02074398 .004219025 .001333708 .00116644 .001109087 .000541262 -.005252105 .00006975
Hooked other_religion .000227605 .000238667 .000641094 -.000216615 .000108367 .000095646 -.001889385 -.000475268 -.001929538 -.001346614 .000181019 -.000160668 .004584187 .004632345 .004219025 .011189743 .000514957 .000040161 -.000093554 -.000097671 -.004560512 .000514698
Hooked rural -.000085639 .000216042 .000164771 .000426194 .000847687 .000912354 -.00041624 .000349114 .000861855 .00042018 -.000214055 .000071242 .000333101 .000579205 .001333708 .000514957 .020602627 .002844469 .002728871 .002569779 -.003819425 -.000244874
Hooked small_town .000085771 .000228283 .000248 .000077057 .00039747 .000620808 .000294597 .00026793 .000684069 .000157151 .00002137 -.000020638 .000291163 .000162786 .00116644 .000040161 .002844469 .007458649 .002778923 .002465419 -.003374733 -.000388729
Hooked medium_city .000046687 -.000097613 -.000035788 .000109612 .000322931 .000414921 -.000230795 -.000508935 .00018596 .000155464 5.4999e-08 .000188183 .000019339 .000016384 .001109087 -.000093554 .002728871 .002778923 .006884831 .002606366 -.00285665 -.000355998
Hooked large_city -.000077135 -.000222826 -.000131557 .000251253 .000258858 .000055742 -.002036565 -.001228856 -.000175643 -.000826781 .000240452 -.000398182 .000406978 -.000046005 .000541262 -.000097671 .002569779 .002465419 .002606366 .010567207 -.002416565 .000106486
Hooked _cons -.002565657 -.002560148 -.002765375 -.004805463 -.005234381 -.005437102 -.001174912 -.002007457 -.00289898 -.001636366 -.00090068 -.000708994 -.004673995 -.005583265 -.005252105 -.004560512 -.003819425 -.003374733 -.00285665 -.002416565 .014213878 -.001033187
scho1 _cons .000556647 .000568004 .000433589 -.000032854 -.000258589 -.000361189 .000111189 .000536724 .000307071 .000045123 -.000264225 .000276384 .000176987 .000438312 .00006975 .000514698 -.000244874 -.000388729 -.000355998 .000106486 -.001033187 .001979818
r1 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city _cons _cons
Hooked sophomore .00650016 .002818844 .002824647 -.000012969 -.000054597 -.000063934 -.000710085 -.000080005 -.000678087 -.000462855 .000260336 -.000118677 -.000015732 .000119714 .000246825 .000227605 -.000085639 .000085771 .000046687 -.000077135 -.002565657 .000556647
Hooked junior .002818844 .00790604 .002939855 -.000058165 .000030048 -.000073774 -.000587266 .000015753 -.000605474 -.000464897 .000024456 -.000205299 -.000201339 .000229402 .000159864 .000238667 .000216042 .000228283 -.000097613 -.000222826 -.002560148 .000568004
Hooked senior .002824647 .002939855 .009282446 .000111789 -.000024392 -.00010564 -.000465477 -.000360308 -.001094221 -.00052644 .000253309 -.000178723 .000045682 .000558091 .000551563 .000641094 .000164771 .000248 -.000035788 -.000131557 -.002765375 .000433589
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000012969 -.000058165 .000111789 .008617749 .004624626 .004688428 .000173791 .001504863 .000903278 .000546425 -.000416432 .000143184 -.000092847 5.3848e-06 -.000281167 -.000216615 .000426194 .000077057 .000109612 .000251253 -.004805463 -.000032854
Hooked mom_College -.000054597 .000030048 -.000024392 .004624626 .00788779 .005020502 .000816914 .001766736 .000935395 .000856349 -.000127975 -.0001176 -.000184358 .000195126 -.000687544 .000108367 .000847687 .00039747 .000322931 .000258858 -.005234381 -.000258589
Hooked mom_Graduate -.000063934 -.000073774 -.00010564 .004688428 .005020502 .009507005 .000653543 .00188147 .001103309 .001085754 -.00001937 -.000075709 .000068117 .000386291 -.001038011 .000095646 .000912354 .000620808 .000414921 .000055742 -.005437102 -.000361189
Hooked Black -.000710085 -.000587266 -.000465477 .000173791 .000816914 .000653543 .018904782 .002462095 .003009429 .002868145 -.001477106 -.000825428 -.001012772 .000089561 .000674307 -.001889385 -.00041624 .000294597 -.000230795 -.002036565 -.001174912 .000111189
Hooked Hispanic -.000080005 .000015753 -.000360308 .001504863 .001766736 .00188147 .002462095 .012562765 .002501353 .002769194 -.001885093 -.001770799 -.000315947 -.001800442 .000079519 -.000475268 .000349114 .00026793 -.000508935 -.001228856 -.002007457 .000536724
Hooked Asian -.000678087 -.000605474 -.001094221 .000903278 .000935395 .001103309 .003009429 .002501353 .011751461 .002824342 -.000210954 -.002565109 .00047201 .001234716 .001816005 -.001929538 .000861855 .000684069 .00018596 -.000175643 -.00289898 .000307071
Hooked OtherRace -.000462855 -.000464897 -.00052644 .000546425 .000856349 .001085754 .002868145 .002769194 .002824342 .027654827 -.003700506 -.001017226 .000182766 .000127691 .000170274 -.001346614 .00042018 .000157151 .000155464 -.000826781 -.001636366 .000045123
Hooked mixed_race .000260336 .000024456 .000253309 -.000416432 -.000127975 -.00001937 -.001477106 -.001885093 -.000210954 -.003700506 .009687908 .00020568 .000092715 .000465924 .000340472 .000181019 -.000214055 .00002137 5.4999e-08 .000240452 -.00090068 -.000264225
Hooked immigrant -.000118677 -.000205299 -.000178723 .000143184 -.0001176 -.000075709 -.000825428 -.001770799 -.002565109 -.001017226 .00020568 .010809845 .000196939 .000226121 -.000088495 -.000160668 .000071242 -.000020638 .000188183 -.000398182 -.000708994 .000276384
Hooked protestant -.000015732 -.000201339 .000045682 -.000092847 -.000184358 .000068117 -.001012772 -.000315947 .00047201 .000182766 .000092715 .000196939 .010502645 .004703415 .004636313 .004584187 .000333101 .000291163 .000019339 .000406978 -.004673995 .000176987
Hooked catholic .000119714 .000229402 .000558091 5.3848e-06 .000195126 .000386291 .000089561 -.001800442 .001234716 .000127691 .000465924 .000226121 .004703415 .007801125 .004777211 .004632345 .000579205 .000162786 .000016384 -.000046005 -.005583265 .000438312
Hooked jewish .000246825 .000159864 .000551563 -.000281167 -.000687544 -.001038011 .000674307 .000079519 .001816005 .000170274 .000340472 -.000088495 .004636313 .004777211 .02074398 .004219025 .001333708 .00116644 .001109087 .000541262 -.005252105 .00006975
Hooked other_religion .000227605 .000238667 .000641094 -.000216615 .000108367 .000095646 -.001889385 -.000475268 -.001929538 -.001346614 .000181019 -.000160668 .004584187 .004632345 .004219025 .011189743 .000514957 .000040161 -.000093554 -.000097671 -.004560512 .000514698
Hooked rural -.000085639 .000216042 .000164771 .000426194 .000847687 .000912354 -.00041624 .000349114 .000861855 .00042018 -.000214055 .000071242 .000333101 .000579205 .001333708 .000514957 .020602627 .002844469 .002728871 .002569779 -.003819425 -.000244874
Hooked small_town .000085771 .000228283 .000248 .000077057 .00039747 .000620808 .000294597 .00026793 .000684069 .000157151 .00002137 -.000020638 .000291163 .000162786 .00116644 .000040161 .002844469 .007458649 .002778923 .002465419 -.003374733 -.000388729
Hooked medium_city .000046687 -.000097613 -.000035788 .000109612 .000322931 .000414921 -.000230795 -.000508935 .00018596 .000155464 5.4999e-08 .000188183 .000019339 .000016384 .001109087 -.000093554 .002728871 .002778923 .006884831 .002606366 -.00285665 -.000355998
Hooked large_city -.000077135 -.000222826 -.000131557 .000251253 .000258858 .000055742 -.002036565 -.001228856 -.000175643 -.000826781 .000240452 -.000398182 .000406978 -.000046005 .000541262 -.000097671 .002569779 .002465419 .002606366 .010567207 -.002416565 .000106486
Hooked _cons -.002565657 -.002560148 -.002765375 -.004805463 -.005234381 -.005437102 -.001174912 -.002007457 -.00289898 -.001636366 -.00090068 -.000708994 -.004673995 -.005583265 -.005252105 -.004560512 -.003819425 -.003374733 -.00285665 -.002416565 .014213878 -.001033187
scho1 _cons .000556647 .000568004 .000433589 -.000032854 -.000258589 -.000361189 .000111189 .000536724 .000307071 .000045123 -.000264225 .000276384 .000176987 .000438312 .00006975 .000514698 -.000244874 -.000388729 -.000355998 .000106486 -.001033187 .001979818
e(nu), transpose
c1 4980
c2 21
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
r1 21
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 .293131362
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(gradient), transpose
Hooked sophomore 3.4153e-09
Hooked junior 3.0379e-09
Hooked senior 2.1390e-09
Hooked mom_SomeCollege 2.0228e-09
Hooked mom_College 6.0757e-09
Hooked mom_Graduate 7.0416e-09
Hooked Black 1.6773e-08
Hooked Hispanic 2.2227e-09
Hooked Asian 1.1768e-09
Hooked OtherRace 3.4500e-10
Hooked mixed_race 2.2532e-09
Hooked immigrant 7.6297e-10
Hooked protestant 1.3497e-08
Hooked catholic -5.7158e-10
Hooked jewish 8.2590e-10
Hooked other_religion 2.3897e-10
Hooked rural 5.7632e-10
Hooked small_town 3.6960e-09
Hooked medium_city 3.4684e-09
Hooked large_city 1.2900e-09
Hooked _cons 1.2998e-08
scho1 _cons -3.5381e-09
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -3081.95286
c2 -3077.16305
c3 -3070.96299
c4 -3069.95958
c5 -3068.62821
c6 -3068.62177
c7 -3068.62177
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 1.28815982
c2 1.42833115
c3 1.13944929
c4 9.16165335
c5 8.4730105
c6 4.47062318
c7 632.699044
c8 5.04047643
c9 .7238221
c10 5.53630719
c11 10.2393461
c12 22.0831618
c13 194.359291
c14 3.61083867
c15 2.71779322
c16 18.0574961
c17 23.0314888
c18 9.71166988
c19 8.8231626
c20 9.70296831
c21 7.2225046
c22 2.18488611