Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:NSCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
Title:Year 3
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 3 Men Differ From Year 1 Men, Coitus Sample, when they hook up with a partner who does not attend their college
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | junior == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:10:16, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. NSCDescriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College, When Hooking Up With a Partner Who Does Not Attend the Same College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 0                                                                                                    & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0                                                  & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        junior == 1 ), by(junior)

Model NSCCoitus_Men_year3ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =        515
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |   .0118404
                 suburb |   .0857239
                  White |   .0992076
          partner_white |   .1310891
            no_religion |  -.0305608
        mom_SomeCollege |  -.0077247
            mom_College |  -.0148965
           mom_Graduate |   .0107808
                  Black |   -.010105
               Hispanic |  -.0119786
                  Asian |  -.0541342
              OtherRace |  -.0229897
             mixed_race |   .0507249
          partner_black |   .0041618
       partner_hispanic |  -.0551938
          partner_asian |  -.0554395
     partner_mixed_race |  -.0114104
partner_race_other_none |  -.0132072
              immigrant |  -.0335862
             protestant |   -.091959
               catholic |   .1320413
                 jewish |   .0230819
         other_religion |  -.0326034
                  rural |   .0086461
             small_town |   .0492659
            medium_city |  -.0838811
             large_city |  -.0597549
  coitus_without_condom |  -.0349684
k 28
N 515
_estimates_name NSCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ NSCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar junior
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .011840408
suburb .085723939
White .099207568
partner_white .131089133
no_religion -.030560845
mom_SomeCollege -.007724676
mom_College -.014896492
mom_Graduate .01078076
Black -.010105043
Hispanic -.011978623
Asian -.054134161
OtherRace -.022989741
mixed_race .05072486
partner_black .004161804
partner_hispanic -.055193808
partner_asian -.055439523
partner_mixed_race -.011410406
partner_race_other_none -.013207199
immigrant -.033586215
protestant -.091958966
catholic .13204128
jewish .023081885
other_religion -.032603354
rural .008646108
small_town .049265925
medium_city -.083881074
large_city -.059754899
coitus_without_condom -.034968364
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 515
suburb 515
White 515
partner_white 515
no_religion 515
mom_SomeCollege 515
mom_College 515
mom_Graduate 515
Black 515
Hispanic 515
Asian 515
OtherRace 515
mixed_race 515
partner_black 515
partner_hispanic 515
partner_asian 515
partner_mixed_race 515
partner_race_other_none 515
immigrant 515
protestant 515
catholic 515
jewish 515
other_religion 515
rural 515
small_town 515
medium_city 515
large_city 515
coitus_without_condom 515
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .036586417
suburb .042400963
White .039487461
partner_white .038874234
no_religion .034760626
mom_SomeCollege .039066901
mom_College .040862784
mom_Graduate .036831711
Black .022287991
Hispanic .025315315
Asian .023333085
OtherRace .018183064
mixed_race .027918657
partner_black .017870547
partner_hispanic .02389828
partner_asian .02189466
partner_mixed_race .020754243
partner_race_other_none .012793675
immigrant .024639212
protestant .033580239
catholic .043374541
jewish .024942601
other_religion .030671661
rural .017343022
small_town .036693815
medium_city .038132485
large_city .030749977
coitus_without_condom .030144476
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .036687157
suburb .042863954
White .039112107
partner_white .038433771
no_religion .034493636
mom_SomeCollege .039018217
mom_College .040791495
mom_Graduate .036921313
Black .022083328
Hispanic .025113527
Asian .022382427
OtherRace .017588372
mixed_race .028737261
partner_black .017984043
partner_hispanic .022965047
partner_asian .020829748
partner_mixed_race .020500746
partner_race_other_none .012271516
immigrant .024073189
protestant .032857219
catholic .044017192
jewish .025364007
other_religion .030293155
rural .017588372
small_town .037150783
medium_city .037704512
large_city .030106533
coitus_without_condom .029726766
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .322739856
suburb 1.9999074
White 2.53649256
partner_white 3.41077991
no_religion -.885985034
mom_SomeCollege -.197976141
mom_College -.365186229
mom_Graduate .291992877
Black -.457586975
Hispanic -.476978907
Asian -2.41860105
OtherRace -1.30709886
mixed_race 1.76512509
partner_black .231416461
partner_hispanic -2.40338319
partner_asian -2.66155511
partner_mixed_race -.556584923
partner_race_other_none -1.0762484
immigrant -1.395171
protestant -2.79874461
catholic 2.99976612
jewish .910025162
other_religion -1.07626143
rural .491580934
small_town 1.32610733
medium_city -2.22469591
large_city -1.98478181
coitus_without_condom -1.17632587
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .626553867
suburb .977244868
White .994401544
partner_white .999676113
no_religion .187812796
mom_SomeCollege .421531865
mom_College .357486199
mom_Graduate .614853965
Black .323624601
Hispanic .316688571
Asian .007790159
OtherRace .095589569
mixed_race .961228627
partner_black .591504361
partner_hispanic .008122078
partner_asian .00388903
partner_mixed_race .288905529
partner_race_other_none .140908089
immigrant .08148214
protestant .002565085
catholic .998649065
jewish .81859538
other_religion .140905177
rural .688492188
small_town .907597925
medium_city .013050829
large_city .023584376
coitus_without_condom .11973234
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .746892265
suburb .045510264
White .011196912
partner_white .000647774
no_religion .375625592
mom_SomeCollege .843063731
mom_College .714972397
mom_Graduate .77029207
Black .647249203
Hispanic .633377142
Asian .015580317
OtherRace .191179139
mixed_race .077542746
partner_black .816991278
partner_hispanic .016244156
partner_asian .007778061
partner_mixed_race .577811058
partner_race_other_none .281816178
immigrant .162964279
protestant .00513017
catholic .00270187
jewish .36280924
other_religion .281810353
rural .623015625
small_town .18480415
medium_city .026101659
large_city .047168753
coitus_without_condom .23946468
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .373446133
suburb .022755132
White .005598456
partner_white .000323887
no_religion .812187204
mom_SomeCollege .578468135
mom_College .642513801
mom_Graduate .385146035
Black .676375399
Hispanic .683311429
Asian .992209841
OtherRace .904410431
mixed_race .038771373
partner_black .408495639
partner_hispanic .991877922
partner_asian .99611097
partner_mixed_race .711094471
partner_race_other_none .859091911
immigrant .91851786
protestant .997434915
catholic .001350935
jewish .18140462
other_religion .859094823
rural .311507812
small_town .092402075
medium_city .986949171
large_city .976415624
coitus_without_condom .88026766
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 292
suburb 292
White 292
partner_white 292
no_religion 292
mom_SomeCollege 292
mom_College 292
mom_Graduate 292
Black 292
Hispanic 292
Asian 292
OtherRace 292
mixed_race 292
partner_black 292
partner_hispanic 292
partner_asian 292
partner_mixed_race 292
partner_race_other_none 292
immigrant 292
protestant 292
catholic 292
jewish 292
other_religion 292
rural 292
small_town 292
medium_city 292
large_city 292
coitus_without_condom 292
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .22260274
suburb .404109589
White .780821918
partner_white .808219178
no_religion .171232877
mom_SomeCollege .256849315
mom_College .294520548
mom_Graduate .226027397
Black .061643836
Hispanic .082191781
Asian .044520548
OtherRace .030821918
mixed_race .140410959
partner_black .044520548
partner_hispanic .047945205
partner_asian .034246575
partner_mixed_race .051369863
partner_race_other_none .01369863
immigrant .065068493
protestant .123287671
catholic .48630137
jewish .099315068
other_religion .119863014
rural .044520548
small_town .246575342
medium_city .198630137
large_city .106164384
coitus_without_condom .113013699
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 223
suburb 223
White 223
partner_white 223
no_religion 223
mom_SomeCollege 223
mom_College 223
mom_Graduate 223
Black 223
Hispanic 223
Asian 223
OtherRace 223
mixed_race 223
partner_black 223
partner_hispanic 223
partner_asian 223
partner_mixed_race 223
partner_race_other_none 223
immigrant 223
protestant 223
catholic 223
jewish 223
other_religion 223
rural 223
small_town 223
medium_city 223
large_city 223
coitus_without_condom 223
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .210762332
suburb .31838565
White .68161435
partner_white .677130045
no_religion .201793722
mom_SomeCollege .264573991
mom_College .30941704
mom_Graduate .215246637
Black .071748879
Hispanic .094170404
Asian .098654709
OtherRace .053811659
mixed_race .089686099
partner_black .040358744
partner_hispanic .103139013
partner_asian .089686099
partner_mixed_race .062780269
partner_race_other_none .02690583
immigrant .098654709
protestant .215246637
catholic .35426009
jewish .076233184
other_religion .152466368
rural .035874439
small_town .197309417
medium_city .282511211
large_city .165919283
coitus_without_condom .147982063