Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:NSCCoitus_Women_y4ses1
Title:Year 4
Description:Where Mother's Education = Mother Received a High School Education or Less: Means for Year 4 Women, Coitus Sample, when they hook up with a partner who does not attend their college
Method:estpost summarize
Covariates:freshman + sophomore + junior + senior + mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 1 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0 & (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 1) & mom_HSOrLess == 1
Time & Date Computed:19:10:25, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. NSCDescriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College, When Hooking Up With a Partner Who Does Not Attend the Same College

Estimates Replay

estpost summarize  freshman sophomore junior senior mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 1                                                                                                            & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0                                                      & (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 1)                                                     & mom_HSOrLess == 1, 

Model NSCCoitus_Women_y4ses1

                                                  Number of obs   =        165
k 32
N 165
_estimates_name NSCCoitus_Women_y4ses1
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ NSCCoitus_Women_y4ses1
subcmd summarize


e(count), transpose
freshman 165
sophomore 165
junior 165
senior 165
mom_HSOrLess 165
suburb 165
White 165
partner_white 165
no_religion 165
mom_SomeCollege 165
mom_College 165
mom_Graduate 165
Black 165
Hispanic 165
Asian 165
OtherRace 165
mixed_race 165
partner_black 165
partner_hispanic 165
partner_asian 165
partner_mixed_race 165
partner_race_other_none 165
immigrant 165
protestant 165
catholic 165
jewish 165
other_religion 165
rural 165
small_town 165
medium_city 165
large_city 165
coitus_without_condom 165
e(sum_w), transpose
freshman 165
sophomore 165
junior 165
senior 165
mom_HSOrLess 165
suburb 165
White 165
partner_white 165
no_religion 165
mom_SomeCollege 165
mom_College 165
mom_Graduate 165
Black 165
Hispanic 165
Asian 165
OtherRace 165
mixed_race 165
partner_black 165
partner_hispanic 165
partner_asian 165
partner_mixed_race 165
partner_race_other_none 165
immigrant 165
protestant 165
catholic 165
jewish 165
other_religion 165
rural 165
small_town 165
medium_city 165
large_city 165
coitus_without_condom 165
e(mean), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 1
mom_HSOrLess 1
suburb .284848485
White .533333333
partner_white .496969697
no_religion .109090909
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black .060606061
Hispanic .278787879
Asian .084848485
OtherRace .042424242
mixed_race .139393939
partner_black .109090909
partner_hispanic .23030303
partner_asian .066666667
partner_mixed_race .078787879
partner_race_other_none .018181818
immigrant .103030303
protestant .084848485
catholic .533333333
jewish .018181818
other_religion .254545455
rural .121212121
small_town .212121212
medium_city .23030303
large_city .151515152
coitus_without_condom .218181818
e(Var), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 0
mom_HSOrLess 0
suburb .204951959
White .250406504
partner_white .251515152
no_religion .097782705
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black .057280118
Hispanic .202291205
Asian .07812269
OtherRace .040872136
mixed_race .120694752
partner_black .097782705
partner_hispanic .17834442
partner_asian .062601626
partner_mixed_race .073022912
partner_race_other_none .017960089
immigrant .092978566
protestant .07812269
catholic .250406504
jewish .017960089
other_religion .190909091
rural .107169254
small_town .168144863
medium_city .17834442
large_city .129342203
coitus_without_condom .171618625
e(sd), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 0
mom_HSOrLess 0
suburb .452716201
White .500406339
partner_white .501512863
no_religion .312702263
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black .239332652
Hispanic .449767945
Asian .279504365
OtherRace .202168583
mixed_race .347411503
partner_black .312702263
partner_hispanic .422308442
partner_asian .250203169
partner_mixed_race .270227519
partner_race_other_none .134015255
immigrant .304923869
protestant .279504365
catholic .500406339
jewish .134015255
other_religion .436931449
rural .327367154
small_town .410054708
medium_city .422308442
large_city .35964177
coitus_without_condom .414268784
e(min), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 1
mom_HSOrLess 1
suburb 0
White 0
partner_white 0
no_religion 0
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black 0
Hispanic 0
Asian 0
OtherRace 0
mixed_race 0
partner_black 0
partner_hispanic 0
partner_asian 0
partner_mixed_race 0
partner_race_other_none 0
immigrant 0
protestant 0
catholic 0
jewish 0
other_religion 0
rural 0
small_town 0
medium_city 0
large_city 0
coitus_without_condom 0
e(max), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 1
mom_HSOrLess 1
suburb 1
White 1
partner_white 1
no_religion 1
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black 1
Hispanic 1
Asian 1
OtherRace 1
mixed_race 1
partner_black 1
partner_hispanic 1
partner_asian 1
partner_mixed_race 1
partner_race_other_none 1
immigrant 1
protestant 1
catholic 1
jewish 1
other_religion 1
rural 1
small_town 1
medium_city 1
large_city 1
coitus_without_condom 1
e(sum), transpose
freshman 0
sophomore 0
junior 0
senior 165
mom_HSOrLess 165
suburb 47
White 88
partner_white 82
no_religion 18
mom_SomeCollege 0
mom_College 0
mom_Graduate 0
Black 10
Hispanic 46
Asian 14
OtherRace 7
mixed_race 23
partner_black 18
partner_hispanic 38
partner_asian 11
partner_mixed_race 13
partner_race_other_none 3
immigrant 17
protestant 14
catholic 88
jewish 3
other_religion 42
rural 20
small_town 35
medium_city 38
large_city 25
coitus_without_condom 36