Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:NSCCondom3c_Either
Description:P(Condom | grade×ses, grade×%fem, school r.e.) Among Either , when they hook up with a partner who does not attend their college
Dependent Variable:condom
Independent Variables:sophomore + junior + senior + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore + mom_SomeCollege_x_junior + mom_SomeCollege_x_senior + mom_College_x_sophomore + mom_College_x_junior + mom_College_x_senior + mom_Graduate_x_sophomore + mom_Graduate_x_junior + mom_Graduate_x_senior + school_high_fem + school_high_fem_x_sophomore + school_high_fem_x_junior + school_high_fem_x_senior
Subset:if (female == 0 | female == 1) & condom >= 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:06:32:38, 9 Jul 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. AllFigures_Condom_NSC — All Figures, Condom Use Only, When Hooking Up With a Partner Who Does Not Attend the Same College
  2. AllFigures_NSC — All Figures, Coitus + Condom Use (same y-axis limits), When Hooking Up With a Partner Who Does Not Attend the Same College
  3. SupplementalAnalysis — Trends by SES, Without Collapsing Grade into a Dichotomy

Estimates Replay

gllamm condom sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore mom_SomeCollege_x_junior mom_SomeCollege_x_senior mom_College_x_sophomore mom_College_x_junior mom_College_x_senior mom_Graduate_x_sophomore mom_Graduate_x_junior mom_Graduate_x_senior school_high_fem school_high_fem_x_sophomore school_high_fem_x_junior school_high_fem_x_senior  if (female == 0 | female == 1) & condom >= 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 0, i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model NSCCondom3c_Either
number of level 1 units = 1647
number of level 2 units = 21
Condition Number = 20.085791
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -1067.7198
                     condom |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  sophomore |  -.6015965   .3198641    -1.88   0.060    -1.228519    .0253256
                     junior |  -.0175635   .3299835    -0.05   0.958    -.6643193    .6291922
                     senior |  -.1038435   .3102628    -0.33   0.738    -.7119474    .5042604
            mom_SomeCollege |  -.0804936   .3072209    -0.26   0.793    -.6826354    .5216483
                mom_College |  -.0987295    .274289    -0.36   0.719    -.6363261    .4388671
               mom_Graduate |  -.4190962   .3123761    -1.34   0.180    -1.031342    .1931496
mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore |   .5848303   .4261353     1.37   0.170    -.2503795     1.42004
   mom_SomeCollege_x_junior |   -.119083   .4116009    -0.29   0.772    -.9258059    .6876399
   mom_SomeCollege_x_senior |  -.2250334   .4081957    -0.55   0.581    -1.025082    .5750155
    mom_College_x_sophomore |    .591879   .3993375     1.48   0.138     -.190808    1.374566
       mom_College_x_junior |  -.0356815   .3963298    -0.09   0.928    -.8124736    .7411105
       mom_College_x_senior |   .0415114   .3833613     0.11   0.914    -.7098629    .7928857
   mom_Graduate_x_sophomore |    1.01772   .4520413     2.25   0.024     .1317356    1.903705
      mom_Graduate_x_junior |   .1293131   .4505826     0.29   0.774    -.7538126    1.012439
      mom_Graduate_x_senior |   .7169232   .4324563     1.66   0.097    -.1306756    1.564522
            school_high_fem |   .1733198   .2361367     0.73   0.463    -.2894996    .6361392
school_high_fem_x_sophomore |   -.099245   .3093936    -0.32   0.748    -.7056453    .5071554
   school_high_fem_x_junior |  -.2896305    .304188    -0.95   0.341    -.8858279     .306567
   school_high_fem_x_senior |  -.4989108   .2982968    -1.67   0.094    -1.083562    .0857402
                      _cons |   .7570227   .2334402     3.24   0.001     .2994883    1.214557
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): .02389803 (.03143576)

rc 0
ll -1067.71978595287
converged 1
rank 21
k 21
k_eq 2
k_dv 1
ic 4
N 1647
properties b V
technique nr
crittype log likelihood
chi2type LR
user gllam_ll
ml_method d0
depvar condom
title gllamm model
opt ml
vce oim
nats 0
noC 0
noC1 0
adapt 0
const 0
inter 0
ngeqs 0
nolog 0
k_eform 1
ethr 0
mlog 0
smlog 0
oth 1
lev1 0
bmat 0
tplv 2
tprf 2
prior 0
tpi 2
tpff 1
clus school __000006
free 0
mult 0
cip 1
famil binom
link logit
exp 0
expf 0
denom __000004
cor 1
init 0
ind __000005
comp 0
cn 20.0857909351638
predict gllapred
cmd gllamm
_estimates_name NSCCondom3c_Either


e(b), transpose
condom sophomore -.601596491
condom junior -.017563527
condom senior -.103843518
condom mom_SomeCollege -.080493582
condom mom_College -.09872952
condom mom_Graduate -.419096223
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore .584830311
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_junior -.119083024
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_senior -.225033388
condom mom_College_x_sophomore .591878995
condom mom_College_x_junior -.035681545
condom mom_College_x_senior .041511387
condom mom_Graduate_x_sophomore 1.0177202
condom mom_Graduate_x_junior .129313117
condom mom_Graduate_x_senior .716923172
condom school_high_fem .173319832
condom school_high_fem_x_sophomore -.099244952
condom school_high_fem_x_junior -.289630451
condom school_high_fem_x_senior -.498910783
condom _cons .757022682
scho1 _cons .154589868
condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore mom_SomeCollege_x_junior mom_SomeCollege_x_senior mom_College_x_sophomore mom_College_x_junior mom_College_x_senior mom_Graduate_x_sophomore mom_Graduate_x_junior mom_Graduate_x_senior school_high_fem school_high_fem_x_sophomore school_high_fem_x_junior school_high_fem_x_senior _cons _cons
condom sophomore .10231302 .050167054 .050625429 .042060678 .041045355 .040440741 -.080475531 -.042118105 -.042257378 -.083116558 -.041105488 -.040950673 -.082274907 -.04025748 -.040352575 .020524185 -.041879119 -.019938397 -.020612579 -.050667655 -.000843423
condom junior .050167054 .108889106 .050825137 .04182035 .040717103 .039837371 -.042338333 -.083602066 -.042120757 -.041149907 -.082156729 -.040856605 -.040008126 -.084191974 -.039950562 .020612622 -.019615302 -.047984805 -.020570938 -.050611965 .000588693
condom senior .050625429 .050825137 .096262998 .041839965 .040648444 .03986969 -.042426765 -.042005958 -.078373387 -.041112595 -.040835994 -.074710043 -.039997185 -.039885873 -.074729189 .021568 -.020276384 -.020772448 -.039908016 -.051338033 .000422122
condom mom_SomeCollege .042060678 .04182035 .041839965 .094384665 .041521233 .041606214 -.094140992 -.094279535 -.094170575 -.041412287 -.041345261 -.041348818 -.041689312 -.041361186 -.041454838 .002090853 -.002243801 -.001828548 -.002097716 -.042172297 -.00114805
condom mom_College .041045355 .040717103 .040648444 .041521233 .075234463 .042018721 -.041145669 -.041388707 -.041243551 -.075171609 -.075024409 -.074987279 -.042130298 -.041677114 -.041854083 -.000591984 .000116707 .000659137 .000393918 -.040931828 -.001603094
condom mom_Graduate .040440741 .039837371 .03986969 .041606214 .042018721 .097578798 -.040891331 -.041387 -.041162102 -.042095171 -.041590218 -.041607647 -.097901391 -.096903349 -.097392231 -.002305871 .001515048 .002604933 .001999923 -.040261627 -.00356418
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore -.080475531 -.042338333 -.042426765 -.094140992 -.041145669 -.040891331 .181591292 .094165997 .094223648 .083157699 .041228212 .041205516 .082956515 .041104176 .040931658 -.002411343 -.006166439 .002115821 .002270719 .04250176 -.000444914
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_junior -.042118105 -.083602066 -.042005958 -.094279535 -.041388707 -.041387 .094165997 .169415291 .094135342 .041359953 .082449856 .041305814 .041526268 .082515837 .041342779 -.002196918 .002172144 .00270449 .002153546 .042222764 .000760351
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_senior -.042257378 -.042120757 -.078373387 -.094170575 -.041243551 -.041162102 .094223648 .094135342 .166623728 .041250066 .041320015 .077440053 .041258632 .041105015 .077312657 -.002729019 .002415448 .002393544 .002553531 .042315174 .000417188
condom mom_College_x_sophomore -.083116558 -.041149907 -.041112595 -.041412287 -.075171609 -.042095171 .083157699 .041359953 .041250066 .159470405 .075075531 .075055885 .084414642 .041885735 .042222995 .000363944 -.000450711 -.000333706 -.000020664 .041182417 .001944199
condom mom_College_x_junior -.041105488 -.082156729 -.040835994 -.041345261 -.075024409 -.041590218 .041228212 .082449856 .041320015 .075075531 .157077288 .074958452 .041772773 .082700672 .041711723 .00037563 -.000347779 -.000332343 -.000293022 .040892111 .000837709
condom mom_College_x_senior -.040950673 -.040856605 -.074710043 -.041348818 -.074987279 -.041607647 .041205516 .041305814 .077440053 .075055885 .074958452 .146965869 .041830366 .041504761 .078282374 .000259294 -.000205884 -.000359092 -.005041544 .040829427 .00079476
condom mom_Graduate_x_sophomore -.082274907 -.040008126 -.039997185 -.041689312 -.042130298 -.097901391 .082956515 .041526268 .041258632 .084414642 .041772773 .041830366 .204341326 .097338224 .098057364 .002082071 -.001997294 -.002490093 -.001801084 .04032862 .004616704
condom mom_Graduate_x_junior -.04025748 -.084191974 -.039885873 -.041361186 -.041677114 -.096903349 .041104176 .082515837 .041105015 .041885735 .082700672 .041504761 .097338224 .203024692 .097091302 .002327963 -.002297812 .002237982 -.002429852 .039995186 .002085229
condom mom_Graduate_x_senior -.040352575 -.039950562 -.074729189 -.041454838 -.041854083 -.097392231 .040931658 .041342779 .077312657 .042222995 .041711723 .078282374 .098057364 .097091302 .187018448 .002176156 -.001803289 -.002557535 -.004807862 .03988929 .00323957
condom school_high_fem .020524185 .020612622 .021568 .002090853 -.000591984 -.002305871 -.002411343 -.002196918 -.002729019 .000363944 .00037563 .000259294 .002082071 .002327963 .002176156 .055760539 -.04811985 -.048228789 -.049173684 -.024374419 -.0009053
condom school_high_fem_x_sophomore -.041879119 -.019615302 -.020276384 -.002243801 .000116707 .001515048 -.006166439 .002172144 .002415448 -.000450711 -.000347779 -.000205884 -.001997294 -.002297812 -.001803289 -.04811985 .095724409 .047433807 .048241486 .020454266 .002750886
condom school_high_fem_x_junior -.019938397 -.047984805 -.020772448 -.001828548 .000659137 .002604933 .002115821 .00270449 .002393544 -.000333706 -.000332343 -.000359092 -.002490093 .002237982 -.002557535 -.048228789 .047433807 .092530314 .048307453 .020491449 .000336085
condom school_high_fem_x_senior -.020612579 -.020570938 -.039908016 -.002097716 .000393918 .001999923 .002270719 .002153546 .002553531 -.000020664 -.000293022 -.005041544 -.001801084 -.002429852 -.004807862 -.049173684 .048241486 .048307453 .08898099 .021405074 .001648623
condom _cons -.050667655 -.050611965 -.051338033 -.042172297 -.040931828 -.040261627 .04250176 .042222764 .042315174 .041182417 .040892111 .040829427 .04032862 .039995186 .03988929 -.024374419 .020454266 .020491449 .021405074 .054494321 .000532781
scho1 _cons -.000843423 .000588693 .000422122 -.00114805 -.001603094 -.00356418 -.000444914 .000760351 .000417188 .001944199 .000837709 .00079476 .004616704 .002085229 .00323957 -.0009053 .002750886 .000336085 .001648623 .000532781 .010337745
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 1.79686933
c2 61.6336839
c3 8.64780891
c4 13.1750205
c5 10.2536892
c6 2.62329971
c7 2.58477019
c8 10.6293441
c9 7.03406776
c10 2.45009941
c11 36.2566725
c12 37.5162599
c13 1.89651521
c14 15.6741579
c15 2.71840097
c16 3.56016336
c17 10.5187861
c18 2.85852703
c19 1.77705624
c20 .420983776
c21 5.69685428
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -1071.79748
c2 -1068.1911
c3 -1067.74582
c4 -1067.71986
c5 -1067.71979
c6 0
c7 0
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(gradient), transpose
condom sophomore .00002379
condom junior .00002619
condom senior .000027219
condom mom_SomeCollege .000028492
condom mom_College .000031542
condom mom_Graduate .000019514
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore 8.9273e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_junior 8.1552e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_senior 7.2291e-06
condom mom_College_x_sophomore 8.6527e-06
condom mom_College_x_junior 8.3199e-06
condom mom_College_x_senior 7.3546e-06
condom mom_Graduate_x_sophomore 6.9778e-06
condom mom_Graduate_x_junior 5.6262e-06
condom mom_Graduate_x_senior 4.8656e-06
condom school_high_fem .00005109
condom school_high_fem_x_sophomore .000012545
condom school_high_fem_x_junior .000015649
condom school_high_fem_x_senior .00001364
condom _cons .000108904
scho1 _cons .000383342
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
r1 .154589868
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 20
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
e(nu), transpose
c1 1647
c2 21
condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore mom_SomeCollege_x_junior mom_SomeCollege_x_senior mom_College_x_sophomore mom_College_x_junior mom_College_x_senior mom_Graduate_x_sophomore mom_Graduate_x_junior mom_Graduate_x_senior school_high_fem school_high_fem_x_sophomore school_high_fem_x_junior school_high_fem_x_senior _cons _cons
condom sophomore .10231302 .050167054 .050625429 .042060678 .041045355 .040440741 -.080475531 -.042118105 -.042257378 -.083116558 -.041105488 -.040950673 -.082274907 -.04025748 -.040352575 .020524185 -.041879119 -.019938397 -.020612579 -.050667655 -.000843423
condom junior .050167054 .108889106 .050825137 .04182035 .040717103 .039837371 -.042338333 -.083602066 -.042120757 -.041149907 -.082156729 -.040856605 -.040008126 -.084191974 -.039950562 .020612622 -.019615302 -.047984805 -.020570938 -.050611965 .000588693
condom senior .050625429 .050825137 .096262998 .041839965 .040648444 .03986969 -.042426765 -.042005958 -.078373387 -.041112595 -.040835994 -.074710043 -.039997185 -.039885873 -.074729189 .021568 -.020276384 -.020772448 -.039908016 -.051338033 .000422122
condom mom_SomeCollege .042060678 .04182035 .041839965 .094384665 .041521233 .041606214 -.094140992 -.094279535 -.094170575 -.041412287 -.041345261 -.041348818 -.041689312 -.041361186 -.041454838 .002090853 -.002243801 -.001828548 -.002097716 -.042172297 -.00114805
condom mom_College .041045355 .040717103 .040648444 .041521233 .075234463 .042018721 -.041145669 -.041388707 -.041243551 -.075171609 -.075024409 -.074987279 -.042130298 -.041677114 -.041854083 -.000591984 .000116707 .000659137 .000393918 -.040931828 -.001603094
condom mom_Graduate .040440741 .039837371 .03986969 .041606214 .042018721 .097578798 -.040891331 -.041387 -.041162102 -.042095171 -.041590218 -.041607647 -.097901391 -.096903349 -.097392231 -.002305871 .001515048 .002604933 .001999923 -.040261627 -.00356418
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_sophomore -.080475531 -.042338333 -.042426765 -.094140992 -.041145669 -.040891331 .181591292 .094165997 .094223648 .083157699 .041228212 .041205516 .082956515 .041104176 .040931658 -.002411343 -.006166439 .002115821 .002270719 .04250176 -.000444914
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_junior -.042118105 -.083602066 -.042005958 -.094279535 -.041388707 -.041387 .094165997 .169415291 .094135342 .041359953 .082449856 .041305814 .041526268 .082515837 .041342779 -.002196918 .002172144 .00270449 .002153546 .042222764 .000760351
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_senior -.042257378 -.042120757 -.078373387 -.094170575 -.041243551 -.041162102 .094223648 .094135342 .166623728 .041250066 .041320015 .077440053 .041258632 .041105015 .077312657 -.002729019 .002415448 .002393544 .002553531 .042315174 .000417188
condom mom_College_x_sophomore -.083116558 -.041149907 -.041112595 -.041412287 -.075171609 -.042095171 .083157699 .041359953 .041250066 .159470405 .075075531 .075055885 .084414642 .041885735 .042222995 .000363944 -.000450711 -.000333706 -.000020664 .041182417 .001944199
condom mom_College_x_junior -.041105488 -.082156729 -.040835994 -.041345261 -.075024409 -.041590218 .041228212 .082449856 .041320015 .075075531 .157077288 .074958452 .041772773 .082700672 .041711723 .00037563 -.000347779 -.000332343 -.000293022 .040892111 .000837709
condom mom_College_x_senior -.040950673 -.040856605 -.074710043 -.041348818 -.074987279 -.041607647 .041205516 .041305814 .077440053 .075055885 .074958452 .146965869 .041830366 .041504761 .078282374 .000259294 -.000205884 -.000359092 -.005041544 .040829427 .00079476
condom mom_Graduate_x_sophomore -.082274907 -.040008126 -.039997185 -.041689312 -.042130298 -.097901391 .082956515 .041526268 .041258632 .084414642 .041772773 .041830366 .204341326 .097338224 .098057364 .002082071 -.001997294 -.002490093 -.001801084 .04032862 .004616704
condom mom_Graduate_x_junior -.04025748 -.084191974 -.039885873 -.041361186 -.041677114 -.096903349 .041104176 .082515837 .041105015 .041885735 .082700672 .041504761 .097338224 .203024692 .097091302 .002327963 -.002297812 .002237982 -.002429852 .039995186 .002085229
condom mom_Graduate_x_senior -.040352575 -.039950562 -.074729189 -.041454838 -.041854083 -.097392231 .040931658 .041342779 .077312657 .042222995 .041711723 .078282374 .098057364 .097091302 .187018448 .002176156 -.001803289 -.002557535 -.004807862 .03988929 .00323957
condom school_high_fem .020524185 .020612622 .021568 .002090853 -.000591984 -.002305871 -.002411343 -.002196918 -.002729019 .000363944 .00037563 .000259294 .002082071 .002327963 .002176156 .055760539 -.04811985 -.048228789 -.049173684 -.024374419 -.0009053
condom school_high_fem_x_sophomore -.041879119 -.019615302 -.020276384 -.002243801 .000116707 .001515048 -.006166439 .002172144 .002415448 -.000450711 -.000347779 -.000205884 -.001997294 -.002297812 -.001803289 -.04811985 .095724409 .047433807 .048241486 .020454266 .002750886
condom school_high_fem_x_junior -.019938397 -.047984805 -.020772448 -.001828548 .000659137 .002604933 .002115821 .00270449 .002393544 -.000333706 -.000332343 -.000359092 -.002490093 .002237982 -.002557535 -.048228789 .047433807 .092530314 .048307453 .020491449 .000336085
condom school_high_fem_x_senior -.020612579 -.020570938 -.039908016 -.002097716 .000393918 .001999923 .002270719 .002153546 .002553531 -.000020664 -.000293022 -.005041544 -.001801084 -.002429852 -.004807862 -.049173684 .048241486 .048307453 .08898099 .021405074 .001648623
condom _cons -.050667655 -.050611965 -.051338033 -.042172297 -.040931828 -.040261627 .04250176 .042222764 .042315174 .041182417 .040892111 .040829427 .04032862 .039995186 .03988929 -.024374419 .020454266 .020491449 .021405074 .054494321 .000532781
scho1 _cons -.000843423 .000588693 .000422122 -.00114805 -.001603094 -.00356418 -.000444914 .000760351 .000417188 .001944199 .000837709 .00079476 .004616704 .002085229 .00323957 -.0009053 .002750886 .000336085 .001648623 .000532781 .010337745
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
r1 0