Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:SCCondom3b_Men
Description:P(Condom | >year1×ses, >year1×%fem, school r.e.) Among Men , when they hook up with a partner from their college
Dependent Variable:condom
Independent Variables:years234 + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 + mom_College_x_years234 + mom_Graduate_x_years234 + school_high_fem + school_high_fem + high_pct_female_x_years234
Subset:if female == 0 & condom >= 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:11:20:52, 9 Jul 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. SupplementalAnalysis — Trends by SES, Without Collapsing Grade into a Dichotomy

Estimates Replay

gllamm condom years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234  if female == 0 & condom >= 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1, i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model SCCondom3b_Men
number of level 1 units = 784
number of level 2 units = 20
Condition Number = 29.36694
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -415.88724
                    condom |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  years234 |  -1.205772   .5905737    -2.04   0.041    -2.363275   -.0482686
           mom_SomeCollege |  -1.187734     .62334    -1.91   0.057    -2.409458    .0339899
               mom_College |  -.3760093   .6318511    -0.60   0.552    -1.614415    .8623961
              mom_Graduate |  -1.534297    .623489    -2.46   0.014    -2.756313   -.3122812
mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 |   1.102317   .6945873     1.59   0.113    -.2590496    2.463683
    mom_College_x_years234 |   .1796141   .6941294     0.26   0.796    -1.180854    1.540083
   mom_Graduate_x_years234 |   1.394181   .6933063     2.01   0.044     .0353255    2.753036
           school_high_fem |   .3086271    .398139     0.78   0.438    -.4717111    1.088965
high_pct_female_x_years234 |  -.2912951    .442813    -0.66   0.511    -1.159193    .5766025
                     _cons |    2.35223   .5377169     4.37   0.000     1.298324    3.406135
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): 6.435e-15 (4.965e-08)

N 784
ic 5
k_dv 1
k_eq 2
k 11
rank 11
converged 1
ll -415.8872427123719
rc 0
_estimates_name SCCondom3b_Men
cmd gllamm
predict gllapred
cn 29.36693957670129
comp 0
ind __000005
init 0
cor 1
denom __000004
expf 0
exp 0
link logit
famil binom
cip 1
mult 0
free 0
clus school __000006
tpff 1
tpi 2
prior 0
tprf 2
tplv 2
bmat 0
lev1 0
oth 1
smlog 0
mlog 0
ethr 0
k_eform 1
nolog 0
ngeqs 0
inter 0
const 0
adapt 0
noC1 0
noC 0
nats 0
vce oim
opt ml
title gllamm model
depvar condom
ml_method d0
user gllam_ll
chi2type LR
crittype log likelihood
technique nr
properties b V


e(b), transpose
condom years234 -1.20577178
condom mom_SomeCollege -1.18773394
condom mom_College -.376009323
condom mom_Graduate -1.53429711
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 1.10231652
condom mom_College_x_years234 .179614135
condom mom_Graduate_x_years234 1.39418079
condom school_high_fem .308627107
condom high_pct_female_x_years234 -.29129507
condom _cons 2.35222961
scho1 _cons -8.0217e-08
condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
condom years234 .348777322 .268717508 .27750748 .267687346 -.321709704 -.330594219 -.321354471 .05259022 -.066036903 -.289139322 6.3740e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege .268717508 .388552703 .270699951 .272373858 -.388552551 -.270699809 -.272373736 -.008963645 .008963644 -.268717619 6.5136e-06
condom mom_College .27750748 .270699951 .399235797 .270356595 -.270699802 -.399235633 -.270356466 .017530785 -.017530782 -.277507599 7.3552e-06
condom mom_Graduate .267687346 .272373858 .270356595 .388738483 -.272373718 -.270356453 -.388738358 -.01206891 .012068908 -.267687455 5.4537e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.321709704 -.388552551 -.270699802 -.272373718 .482451558 .326186912 .327639827 .008963647 -.014084592 .268717485 -7.4161e-06
condom mom_College_x_years234 -.330594219 -.270699809 -.399235633 -.270356453 .326186912 .481815621 .325599806 -.01753078 .012673986 .277507464 -8.2131e-06
condom mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.321354471 -.272373736 -.270356466 -.388738358 .327639827 .325599806 .480673561 .012068911 -.015304223 .267687342 -6.2845e-06
condom school_high_fem .05259022 -.008963645 .017530785 -.01206891 .008963647 -.01753078 .012068911 .158514696 -.158514681 -.05259023 8.2811e-07
condom high_pct_female_x_years234 -.066036903 .008963644 -.017530782 .012068908 -.014084592 .012673986 -.015304223 -.158514681 .196083375 .052590224 -6.0069e-07
condom _cons -.289139322 -.268717619 -.277507599 -.267687455 .268717485 .277507464 .267687342 -.05259023 .052590224 .289139428 -5.4019e-06
scho1 _cons 6.3740e-06 6.5136e-06 7.3552e-06 5.4537e-06 -7.4161e-06 -8.2131e-06 -6.2845e-06 8.2811e-07 -6.0069e-07 -5.4019e-06 .095766936
r1 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom condom scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
condom years234 .348777322 .268717508 .27750748 .267687346 -.321709704 -.330594219 -.321354471 .05259022 -.066036903 -.289139322 6.3740e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege .268717508 .388552703 .270699951 .272373858 -.388552551 -.270699809 -.272373736 -.008963645 .008963644 -.268717619 6.5136e-06
condom mom_College .27750748 .270699951 .399235797 .270356595 -.270699802 -.399235633 -.270356466 .017530785 -.017530782 -.277507599 7.3552e-06
condom mom_Graduate .267687346 .272373858 .270356595 .388738483 -.272373718 -.270356453 -.388738358 -.01206891 .012068908 -.267687455 5.4537e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.321709704 -.388552551 -.270699802 -.272373718 .482451558 .326186912 .327639827 .008963647 -.014084592 .268717485 -7.4161e-06
condom mom_College_x_years234 -.330594219 -.270699809 -.399235633 -.270356453 .326186912 .481815621 .325599806 -.01753078 .012673986 .277507464 -8.2131e-06
condom mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.321354471 -.272373736 -.270356466 -.388738358 .327639827 .325599806 .480673561 .012068911 -.015304223 .267687342 -6.2845e-06
condom school_high_fem .05259022 -.008963645 .017530785 -.01206891 .008963647 -.01753078 .012068911 .158514696 -.158514681 -.05259023 8.2811e-07
condom high_pct_female_x_years234 -.066036903 .008963644 -.017530782 .012068908 -.014084592 .012673986 -.015304223 -.158514681 .196083375 .052590224 -6.0069e-07
condom _cons -.289139322 -.268717619 -.277507599 -.267687455 .268717485 .277507464 .267687342 -.05259023 .052590224 .289139428 -5.4019e-06
scho1 _cons 6.3740e-06 6.5136e-06 7.3552e-06 5.4537e-06 -7.4161e-06 -8.2131e-06 -6.2845e-06 8.2811e-07 -6.0069e-07 -5.4019e-06 .095766936
e(nu), transpose
c1 784
c2 20
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
r1 10
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 -8.0217e-08
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(gradient), transpose
condom years234 -1.8656e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege -5.4135e-07
condom mom_College -7.9298e-07
condom mom_Graduate -1.4739e-06
condom mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -3.7214e-07
condom mom_College_x_years234 -5.4253e-07
condom mom_Graduate_x_years234 -1.1838e-06
condom school_high_fem 1.5670e-06
condom high_pct_female_x_years234 1.1254e-06
condom _cons -2.5802e-06
scho1 _cons 8.3761e-07
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -418.120994
c2 -416.097508
c3 -415.89904
c4 -415.887578
c5 -415.887243
c6 -415.887243
c7 0
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 .378858839
c2 1.24419735
c3 3.40199998
c4 .435327311
c5 .744275237
c6 3.89654578
c7 .574205205
c8 2.55868866
c9 2.82427128
c10 .137189767
c11 1586.39648