Peer-Reviewed Publications
Bearak, Jonathan. 2014. “Casual Contraception in Casual Sex: Life-Cycle Change in Undergraduates’ Sexual Behavior in Hookups.” Social Forces 93, 483-513.
Jennings, Jennifer & Jonathan Bearak. 2014. “Teaching to the Test in the NCLB Era: How Test Predictability Affects Our Understanding of Student Performance.” Educational Researcher 43, 381-389.
Killewald, Alexandra & Jonathan Bearak. 2014. “Is the Motherhood Penalty Larger for Low-Wage Women? A Comment on Quantile Regression.” American Sociological Review 79, 350-357.
England, Paula & Jonathan Bearak. 2014. “The sexual double standard and gender differences in attitudes toward casual sex among U.S. university students.” Demographic Research 30, 1327-1338.
In Revision
Bearak, Jonathan. “Some Men Earn More, Some Men Earn Less; Which Men Earn More When They Marry?” Under revision after invitation to revise and resubmit at Demography.
England, Paula, Jonathan Bearak, Michelle Budig & Melissa Hodges. “How the Motherhood Penalty Varies by Wage, Cognitive Skill and Race: A Reassessment.” Under revision after invitation to revise and resubmit at American Sociological Review.
In Progress
Bearak, Jonathan. “Attracting Teenage Parenthood: Physical Attractiveness and Students’ Risks of Becoming Teenage Parents.”
Jennings, Jennifer, Jonathan Bearak & Daniel Koretz. “Stellar Scores, Shortchanged Students? Two Tales of Educational Progress in the Era of Accountability.”
Jennings, Jennifer, Jonathan Bearak, David Deming & Christopher Jencks. “Does school quality affect teenage parenthood?”
Bearak, Jonathan, Jennifer Jennings & Daniel Koretz. “Explaining Gender Differences on Standardized Tests.”